
Do You Believe in Water?

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Do You Believe in Water?

A philosophical discussion between two fish (produced by YULA and Chabad.org).
G-d, Faith; Belief in G-d

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wow August 20, 2024

such good stuff! thank you! Reply

Anonymous Somewhere June 14, 2023

By the Grace of G-d,

Hi! Thanks so much for this! I saw it for the first time years ago and I never forgot it. Since then, I've brought this metaphor into conversation multiple times when talking about Hashem. It's really really profound and the animation and voice acting is really really good quality! :)

Again, thanks so much! Have a great day/night! :)

- Me Reply

Anonymous New jersey October 29, 2018

I feel like some people interpreted the video in the wrong way. Reply

Moishe Hershkowitz IL July 19, 2020
in response to Anonymous:

maskim Reply

Ty May 13, 2018

Amen and excellent! Wonderful :) Amen and excellent! Wonderful video :) Hope you are able to host more by David Sacks! Reply

moshe April 9, 2018

the vidoe is not showing up Reply

Chabad.org Staff April 11, 2018
in response to moshe :

It is working on our end. Can you try again? Reply

Simon Weiner Cleveland March 26, 2018

Spot on and brilliant. Thank you. Reply

Cheryl Ohio City March 22, 2018

This is a wonderful illustration. I will remember it.
I was once in the grocery store and, while looking at a particular product, a lady standing next to me asked, "Isn't that a Beatles tune?" Suddenly I was listening to the music played throughout the store. "Yes, it is," I answered, but it dawned on me that I had been in the store so many times before with music playing every single time, I'm sure; however, I never listened to the music. How often am I oblivious to G-d even as I am standing in G-d's very presence all around me and in me, and what does it take for me to enjoy my time with G-d in the now? Reply

Missie Atlanta March 22, 2018
in response to Cheryl:

Thank you for posting this. For me, to hear a Beatles tune in a store or somewhere else unexpectedly brings back such happy memories of my youth, of my family, of the sheer joy of being young, that that is a blessing. Reply

Anonymous Atlanta March 21, 2018

Video: "Do You Believe in Water?"
Very timely post -- thank you!
I just got home from walking to the store. I suffer from agoraphobia. It seems to be getting worse; I used to be scared walking to the store but fine walking home. Yesterday and today it was even worse walking home than on previous recent trips.
When you described your friend walking across the street to get to his car I very strongly sensed the panic I would feel, the fear of falling, if I had to walk across a street to get anywhere. I would feel much safer swimming across a stream than walking across a street, because you can't fall down when swimming! And I am always afraid of falling in open spaces.
In future I will try to remember that every time I set out to walk to the store, or home from it, or cross other open spaces, that I am swimming through G-d. Or swimming in G-d. And I will try to remember that the - is not a scary open space but the connection: G-d. Reply

Anonymous March 24, 2018
in response to Anonymous:

hey anonymous Atlanta, good for you! It's special to be having a struggle and then to take the help that G-d sends and use appreciate it and act on it. Reply

Anonymous Atlanta March 25, 2018
in response to Anonymous:

Thanks. Reply

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