
Torah for Personal Gain & My Responsibility

Learning Pirkei Avot: chapter 1, mishnah 13-14

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Torah for Personal Gain & My Responsibility : Learning Pirkei Avot: chapter 1, mishnah 13-14

One who advances his name, destroys his name… If I am not for myself, who is for me? And if I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?
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Anonymous london March 6, 2018

I am a professional performer. I need to have my name known.Should I give this up? And why do the largely talentless who shamelessly self promote go further than those who put everything into their art and end up ripped off? Reply

Anonymous March 26, 2020
in response to Anonymous:

You are a performer, I am assuming , by your job, by your profession. And so you need to have your profession be known, so that you can use your gifts to inspire, delight, awe people, etc. The example being given is that a person, in their self, in who they are, should seek humility. You yourself, I am sure, do not walk around in an air of self promotion, for how great of a human being you are, but, for how incredible your ability, as a performer, to be an amazing performer for the delight or inspiration of others. Since this is your job, this is not different than the dentist or the barber promoting their skill as well. Why the shameless succeed over talented being ripped off, the only answer I do know, is that the shameless are those who try to achieve fame through shock; Anything to get headlines and be famous. The talented, usually, are wise of heart, and mind. They are gifted souls, who, most often, have a sense of integrity and respect for themselves and for those around them. The performance industry, doesn’t always value these good self attributes. However obvious or not, the true success in life will come to any person who pursues it with a true intention and integrity. Whether it be or wouldn’t be in the ways we expect, those who pursue a life of dreams in peace and in honour, that usually does get given to them. Reply

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