
CTeen Concert and Jewish Pride at Times Square - 2018

Featuring Yoni Z and Nissim Black

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CTeen Concert at Times Square - 2018: Featuring Yoni Z and Nissim Black

A special event for Jewish teens in New York displaying Jewish pride and unity; featuring a special havdalah ceremony, meaningful inspiration and an exhilarating concert.
Youth, Adolescence

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Anonymous Montreal February 23, 2019

How to I watch this year's? Reply

Editor February 23, 2019
in response to Anonymous:

You can watch this year's event at www.chabad.org/CTeenLive. Reply

Anonymous February 27, 2018

May Hashem bless them all Reply

Diana Seifert Homeland March 2, 2018
in response to Anonymous:

He will bless them that bless Israel, and curse them that curse her. Reply

Anonymous Jerusalem February 27, 2018

Black has always been beautiful, but never as beautiful as this gorgeous Yid who leads everyone in song - too special for words. Reply

manuel assis brazil February 26, 2018

I liked. Reply

Yosef France February 26, 2018

Beautiful and thrilling to watch. Such an energy. Strength and resistance. Shavua Tov Reply

Anonymous Brooklyn February 25, 2018

This is SO Wonderful!!! I watched the whole video, I could not stay away from it! So energizing!!
CTeen should do it even more often!! What a great way to bring Jews together from all parts of the world!
Shavua Tov!
:) Reply

Larry Zweig Fürth, Germany February 25, 2018

Menschlich or Plastic? Gute Woch!
Electronic music, and all these modern moves..... great stuff!
But why is the crazy video technical stuff? Video jumps around (schizophrenic! and very nervous and no relation to anything human and just copying the modern Goyim) , fireworks where there were none.
Fine. I couldn't be in NY, I can watch a video, but why do you have to make it so plastic? Reply

Melka Lol angeles February 25, 2018

Amazing!!! My niece was there from France! So much fun!! God bless Chabad!! You're the best!!♡♡ Reply

Anonymous California February 25, 2018

This is very nice to see - young people who are publically embracing their Jewish roots and identity as well as other young people supporting them! Jews can no longer be silent. Do it again! Reply

Sonya Matsui Jerusalem February 25, 2018

I thought I'd just take a peek...but couldn't stop watching. The "achdus" - togetherness - of all of humanity was simply tangible...yes, this is what Judaism is...what beautiful people, what soulful soaring - wow! Wings? You got it! That's what we have always wanted, always needed...and now, it seems as we've got them and we're finally using them. Y'yashar koah! Beracha vehatzlacha!! Reply

Judy CA February 25, 2018

שבוע טוב לכל הנערים והנערות מכל העולם שבאו לניו-יורק. תודה לכ הרבנים שאירגנו הכל
Shavua Tov to all the CTeen-Agers who travel to NYC. Thanks to everybody who organized it. Reply

Ahmad Ottawa February 24, 2018

Knice Reply

Amy Austin Rancho Mirage February 24, 2018

Whooo Hooooo! Am Yisroel Chai!! Reply

Sandra Esquenazi Cali, Colombia February 24, 2018

Estoy tan orgullosa....más allá de lo que las palabras lo pueden expresar!!!!! Adelante CTeen!!!! Reply

Lisa Detroit February 24, 2018

Can you forward info about five towns group? I have a niece in Plainview . Reply

Chabad.org Staff February 25, 2018
in response to Lisa :

Sure! The Five Towns CTeen chapter can be reached via chabadfivetowns.com/3844222 Reply

Noonys Mom February 24, 2018

so cool. looks like a great time for these kids!!! Reply

Debbie Marcus February 24, 2018

Am absolutely floored by the new campaign to get a moment of silence in schools. Wonderful idea and will be much more helpful in long run than what most people are rallying about. Moral power to you! Reply

Patricia Canada February 24, 2018

Wow ! You put a great big smile on my face. How wonderful and joyous is this event Reply

Perplexed February 24, 2018

Why is there a Sefer Torah present?!? Reply

Joshua Kapuler Brooklyn February 25, 2018
in response to Perplexed:

They made a siyum there at the gathering Reply

MazalZ Crown Heights February 25, 2018
in response to Perplexed:

The last mitzva in the Torah is to write a sefer torah.
The Rebbe instituted that everyone - from infants to boys and girl, men and women - should purchase a letter in a sefer torah.
The Cteens were partners in this Torah. You can see the final letters being written, as this Torah was completed at the Cteen gathering! This Torah belongs to these (and all) Cteens and will travel to all their centers where each person will have the opportunity to hear the Torah read from their very ownTorah!
Do you have your letter in a Torah Scroll?
Girls under 12, and boys under 13, can buy their own letter in the Children's Torah for just $1
For adults (over bar/bat mitzvah, you can buy your letter in the Unity Torah.
Just search Get a Letter in a Sefer Torah at Chabad.org and be a part of something Eternal Reply

Perplexed February 25, 2018
in response to Joshua Kapuler:

Thank you. I only caught a few moments and hence I was not aware of that Reply

Gina Miami February 24, 2018

I love being A Jewess! Shavuo Tov everyone! Reply

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