
5778-2017 "Chanukah Live" Celebrations

American Friends Of Lubavitch - December 12, 2017
Join the live broadcast of the lighting ceremony of the National Chanukah Menorah located on the Ellipse at the White House in Washington D.C. Featuring musical performances by the “United States Air Force Band” and "The Three Cantors".
Live satellite link-up of menorah lightings in three major cities on three continents. This French program, filled with music and song, is based out of Paris, and will hook-up with menorah lightings in Israel and New York.
Chabad of South Broward's 38th Annual Chanukah Festival
The 38th Annual South Florida Chassidic Chanukah Festival features a full concert with the popular chassidic singer Benny Friedman, together with the celebrated Jewish rock band 8th Day. The festival will honor the Friendship Circle, a program that caters to children with special needs. The night’s highlight is the lighting of Florida's largest Menorah led by Cantor Yossy Lebovics and joined by community leaders and dignitaries.
Chabad-Lubavitch of Alberta, Canada
Join rabbis and dignitaries for the 29th annual public Menorah lighting and Chanukah celebration in Calgary, Canada.
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