
What One Woman Taught the World About Prayer

A Rosh Hashanah Message

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What One Woman Taught the World About Prayer: A Rosh Hashanah Message

If everything originates from G-d, why pray to Him to change His plan? And, how can we “demand” more goodness while realizing how unworthy we are?
Hannah's Prayer, Prayer, High Holidays, Rosh Hashanah

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Laurentia Modova, Kishinev March 10, 2023

For me praying is a sort of meditation in connecting w G-d ... Im not good enough at it but I believe it strenghens us giving hope while still making us to humble cs before G-d the Greatest being in the entire universe one real spiritual being can't be but humble and grateful even at their misfortune cs it teaches one to be strong n raise above the things that broke them... Thank you for this... Baruch Hashem for all His blessings into our lives 💖🙏🏼 Shalom Alechem... Peace be with us Reply

Sandra Inguaggiato Cote Saint- Luc May 2, 2022

Thank you so much Chana Reply

Chana Weisberg, author July 19, 2018

Thank you for your beautiful comments, Reply

amaleYid Riverdale, NY July 18, 2018

Thank you Mrs. Weisberg. Your words vitalize the silence I feel during davening. Is anyone really there? When we know prayer is the same experience when we had a parent's full listening to us then we know G-d is there.

May H bless us with clarity that He is delivering what we are praying for. Thank again for greatly helping my prayer Reply

Aharon Englewood, NJ September 13, 2017

Once again, Mrs Weisberg delivers a poignant, succinct, and relatable message to think about and prepare ourselves with for the up-and-coming holy and special days of the year.

Many thanks; and a sweet new year abundant with goodness and true joy. Reply

alice jena Richmond Hill September 18, 2017

Thank you; may you your entire family be blessed always Reply

Eleanor Skibo Pennsylvania, USA September 16, 2017

Prayer is our Conversation with G d, whether G d delivers what we ask for or not, shouldn't be our main point of prayer. Our main point should be the fact that G d our creator and us as G d's creations have connected in a divine and special way. That alone is an awesome gift from G d our creator and should be cherished more deeply everytime we interconnect. Reply

Anonymous Huixquilucan September 15, 2017


Anonymous wilkes barre September 15, 2017

I am blessed to hear this, thank you <3 Reply

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