
Jewish Life and Culture in Venice and Italy

A Symposium at Chabad of Oxford

500 years after the Venice Ghetto was first established, scholars explore the intellectual, legal, and cultural history and legacy of the Jews of Venice and Italy.

Jewish legal disputes in the Venice Ghetto
The Chief Rabbi of Venice's attempt to permit gondola travel on Shabbat. The life and times of Rabbi Simone Luzzatto, 1583–1663.
Rabbi Moshe Chaim of Luzzatto and Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi in comparative perspective
Less than a year before the passing of the former, in 1746, the latter was born. The most famous works of both of these greats have become the mainstay of contemporary Jewish spiritual movements, and there are many fascinating similarities and differences between them.
Hebrew Publishing in the Venice Ghetto and Beyond
The treasured Valmadonna Library, the greatest private collection of Hebrew books and manuscripts in private hands in the world, includes almost five hundred titles published in 16th century Venice.
The "first" Jewish ghetto—its culture and its women
Surviving documents, including marriage documents, offer fascinating windows into the ghetto's history and the lives of its dwellers.
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