
Inside the Name Chava

Explore the mystical meaning

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Inside the Name Chava: Explore the mystical meaning

Discover the spiritual meaning of the female name Chava, the secret behind their Hebrew letters and numerical value, and the name’s corresponding verse in the Torah.
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Jewish Name, Eve

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Elaine Guinther Pembroke July 20, 2023

My first name means chava in Hebrew (Elaine). My last name means Chavakuk (Guinther, originally Gunther until a family member a cpl generations back added the I).. Chava Chavakuk.. In english my name means light army/warrior. Thank you so much for this video! Reply

Chava September 2, 2022

Thank you! Very thorough explanation on many levels. Does the name Chava have a connection to the Hebrew word kara - to proclaim, read the Torah? Reply

Hawa Dhol Herzi Virginia, USA February 21, 2021

I wanted to thank you for teaching me the essence- depth of my name! I am Muslim, so I have the Arabic pronunciation-with “soft h” and “wa” - Hawa. I never liked it, and used my middle name for 55+ years. Now I can explain it’s truth. My worldly duties are less now, retired and children grown (G-D willing #4 will go to college soon). So now I am constantly finding wonderful teachers providing answers before I realize I asked! Your explanation to understand beyond the lips to the heart, as the sword, reaffirms the truth. One of G-D, Creator of Adam and Chava. Thank you. Reply

Chava Mcgregor August 10, 2020

Thank you Rabbi, my name is chava and I never knew the real meaning of my name. This video helped me respect my name even though i have been put through bullying by people who don't know how to properly say and respect my name... thank you once again Reply

Jorge Qro. Mexico November 30, 2016

forgetting everything Rabbi Raskin, Greetings from this hearer. I write this because I can not forget what you said about forgetting the name after passing away and so becoming unable to tell the angel the name.
About this my viewpoint is to take a person with Alzheimer as our example. Alzheimer is a gradual suffering and the people with it gradually forgets everything, even who he or she is. The name is difficult to forget because that person is surrounded for people who know what her name is. We would become aware that she has forgotten her name in case she asked herself, who am I? what is my name? but I think that is rarely the case.
To me, the flashpoint is that an Alzheimer patient is not the person we used to know, we used to talk to, that person is already dead. Thus, I wonder where his Neshama now is? I rather say his Nefesh is still there. I'd feel tempted, if I could, to ask permission from a Rabbi to light a Ner Neshamah -or something else- and to pray to my G-d to allow this Neshama to return. Reply

Sylvia U.K. November 29, 2016

Respectfully Rabbi Respectfully Rabbi Raskin
You have tought me equality In the Torah. I fully understand some of your teaching and I pray to HaShem that in My lifetime I may learn the gemartria as I am beginning to value all teaching of Judaism as the one truth. I am crying out to the void for support. Thank you for everything you affirm with HaShem. Blessing unfortold to you And your family.😇 Reply

Bea Devorah Western NY November 29, 2016

Thank you... this was personally wonderful for me During my conversion I was asked to state my Jewish name. I liked the name Chuvvah but it was suggest by my rabbi to use the name Devorah because it is suggested in my birth name. It was also pointed out that I came be very sweet but I can sting too.

Now I see that Chuvvah has a connection to Devorah... they both love to speak Reply

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