
The Story of Satan’s Disguise

A chassidic tale on the source of arrogance

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The Story of Satan's Disguise: A chassidic tale on the source of arrogance

Stories; Storytelling, Satan, Ego & Selfhood, Evil, Forces of, Animal Soul

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Jamel Ghana September 14, 2022

Shalom shalom Rabbi Gordon......Your Expounded narrative in this segment about self act/doings which sometimes turns to become arrogance. You stated Hashim G-d Almighty creates who created both Good and Evil. Could you expound the Evil side G-d Almighty created. How men kind sees what is call evil introspect to how G-d Almighty see the evil side”
Shalom Rabbi Reply

Sonya Matsui Jerusalem October 24, 2018

Couldn't stop watching one after the other! Must be addiction..... Reply

Singh Noor Zafar Kahn Brooklyn, NYC USA April 7, 2017

Oh this is a True story I see Reply

Igor Bartolic Croatia,Zagreb November 19, 2016

Emunah Thank You Chabad.Hashem bless You.Love.Shabbat Shalom. Reply

meira netherlands November 14, 2016

I Cherish his existance I am almost speechless. What a wonderful metaphor. I just wrote a piece about Satan. I sincerely cherish his existence. I will always try and persevere to resist him. But it is a good thing Satan exists. His mere existance as an apponent challenges us to be an even better swordfighter. It's not easy but it's worth it. Reply

Linda Gerber November 12, 2016

Thank you Rabbi Gordon. I read this week in Tanach Prov 16:1 "To man belongs the arrangements of (thoughts in) in his heart, but from Hashem comes the tongues reply. All of man's ways are pure in his own eyes, but Hashem is in the midst of spirits. Turn your deeds towards Hashem, and your thoughts will be set aright."
December 2015 fear, anxiety and negative thoughts "overpowered" me. It was as if there was no good left in this world or inside me to change my mind. In particular I feared death. Hashem was far away, like Job I could not find Him in the north or in the south. I wondered how negative thoughts entered my mind and how I was to get rid of it. Does the Angel of Death approach us unexpectedly like he did with Bilaam on his way, or Moses on his way to Egypt when Zipporah circumcised their son "to save Moses"? I wondered what I was fighting against: my own thoughts, or an external evil inclination?
I discovered that kind deeds are like a shield against negative thoughts. Reply

James Martin Cheltenham, Glos, England November 12, 2016

Christian Comment This is a lovely story, which ought to be more well-known. Reply

Tracie Medford November 10, 2016

Thank you Rabbi Gordon
I truly enjoy how you tell a story of good & evil. You bring out a clear understanding of how evil disguises itself to make its way into our lives. I am so greatful the Rabbi's bring out so much that I believe western culture has been hijacked from.
Thank you
Tracie Wise Reply

S U.K. November 8, 2016

Lovely Thank you, Rabbi Gordon. This was an excellent lesson. It is so true, whatever we learn from and about HaShem, it is so minimal in out finite lifetime. Creation and all its wonders are truly infinite and so we look forward to beginning school when the Messiah comes with the blessings of HaShem. Reply

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