
The Story Behind Shabbat Chazon

The inner meaning of the Shabbat before Tisha B'Av

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The Story Behind Shabbat Chazon: The inner meaning of the Shabbat before Tisha B'Av

Shabbat Chazon

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K. Toronto August 10, 2016

Thank you, Mark Solomon when i heard this story, it lifted by heart immeasurably; ... and reminded me of joseph's 'coat of many colours'. Did Joseph express his Yiddishkeit uniquely to merit the famous coat?

Fascinating. What a gem! Reply

Mark Solomon New York August 10, 2016

The Rebbe's chidush I recently heard a beautiful shiur concerning an insight of the Rebbe on the Berdichever's parable. Why is the parable about a suit of clothes? Would it not make more sense to make the parable about a beautiful building? What is the connection between a suit and the Third Beis HaMikdash? The Rebbe answered, that a building can accomodate any number of people; a custom-tailored suit only fits one person, and it fits him naturally. When we each express our Yiddishkeit in the most natural way, then we will be worthy to receive the Third Beis HaMikdash. Reply

Kim Allen Georgia July 22, 2020
in response to Mark Solomon:

It is also taught that our clothing represents our deeds. Reply

Carlos Bogota August 10, 2016

That's what is happening in our lives, may G-d have mercy on us and keep us strong enough to be ready for our new outfit Reply

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