
Divorce in the Torah

The ‘Get’ and Divorce on Five Levels

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Divorce in the Torah: The ‘Get’ and Divorce on Five Levels

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Sefer HaMitzvot, Divorce

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Anonymous Brooklyn June 11, 2017

It was so interesting hearing about the rules of divorce and how there is a reason for everything, even in how the document looks. The question is, what if the wife does not accept the divorce? Does that mean that it is not granted? Can the wife ask for the divorce, and can the husband refuse it? How does this work?
Also, I found it very interesting that the relationship between a man and a woman mimics that of between G-d (husband) and the Jewish people (wife). The part that I question is that sometimes the relationship between a man and wife and people and their G-d is not the same, nor should it be. People make mistakes, and should be allowed to fix them and learn from them. G-d does not, there is a reason for everything. So keeping the same standard to both relationships I think puts an unreasonable standard to live up to, and for those who can't (which I assume would be most), where does it leave them? Thanks! Reply

Rabbi Raskin bklyn hts December 11, 2018
in response to Anonymous:

A wife can refuse a divorce, and then both she and her husband are not divorced. A wife can request a divorce from her husband. It's complicated, you should ask your local Rabbi about the details.
Our marriage mirrors G-d's, and yes we do make mistakes and need to be forgiven. G-d always forgives us and we too need to forgive our spouse. However, there are times that a divorce is needed and even required in Jewish law. Reply

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