
Hillel and the Floating Skull

Learning Pirkei Avot on Five Levels

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Hillel and the Floating Skull: Learning Pirkei Avot on Five Levels

He (Hillel) also saw a skull floating upon the water. Said he to it: Because you drowned others, you were drowned; and those who drowned you, will themselves be drowned. (Ethics of Our Fathers ch.2:6)
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Hillel, Ethics of the Fathers

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M. Diane Flushing, NY June 2, 2016

The study group for women sounds great! It was very kind of you, Rabbi Raskin, to provide information about lectures given at Congregation B'nai Avraham and inviting me to attend one. It is correct that I am not too far away; so, I will plan to attend one soon - probably the study group for women. Thank you again. Reply

Rabbi Raskin Bklyn hts NY June 1, 2016

Strong lecture Dear Diane,
Thank you for your blessings and encouraging words.
Since you live near Brooklyn Heights you may want to join us for a Monday night or Wednesday morning lecture.
Happy Shavuos, may you receive the Torah with joy and in a deep meaningful way! Reply

M. Diane Flushing, NY May 31, 2016

Hi Rabbi Raskin\ After listening to this video several times, I think it may be one of your strongest lectures. You pull no punches. You tell it like it is (as they say). I find a certain energy in your talks that truly gives me strength. Actually, when I hear you speak I become thirsty to study more Torah; understand more interpretations of the stories; know more details behind the stories of historical personalities and actors; and, take more Kabbalah courses. I wanted you to know how useful and meaningful the work you do continues to be to this student. I hope G-d is sending extra blessings to you and your loved ones as I have been praying. Thank you again for your hard work (which it is evident you enjoy wholeheartedly!) Reply

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