
Inflammation of the Egyptian Masses!

The Plague of Boils (Shechin)

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Inflammation of the Egyptian Masses! : The Plague of Boils (Shechin)

This class takes you on a behind-the-scenes journey of Moses's miraculous oven-soot heavenward hurling that produced the original Burning Man Phenomenon! Get the full unvarnished story of the oxymoronic circumstances that produced the plague called Boils, and see why these pernicious forms of inflammation disoriented the Egyptian wizards and finally got under the Pharaoh's skin.
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Ten Plagues

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Dorothy Baird Texas March 22, 2018

Plague's Is there Egypt historical references that can back up the plague's as told in the Torah Reply

David OKC June 22, 2018
in response to Dorothy Baird:

In 1828, a papyrus was acquired by the Museum of Leiden containing the writings of Ipuwer. These writings appear to describe the calamities that befell Egypt during the Plagues. Reply

LR Seattle January 21, 2018

Hi, love this series! What books are you reading from, are they available in english and online to read? All of this background info makes the Torah so much clearer! Thanks again and keep up the great work!

CG Reply

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