
What’s Your Position on Pesach?

The Talmud on the Pesach Seder, Lesson 2

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What’s Your Position on Pesach? : The Talmud on the Pesach Seder, Lesson 2

This Talmud class analyzes the reclining position assumed during segments of the Seder observances. Why is body positioning even an issue; is it mandatory or an optional form of self-expression? We’ll discuss who is included in this halachic responsibility, and when during the Seder this posture positioning is relevant. This discussion about posture, freedom and health will provide you with a fresh appreciation for the Seder night, and a new understanding of one of the central Seder features.
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Passover, Seder, Pesachim, Reclining, Talmud

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1 Comment
Anonymous April 12, 2017

Leaning at the Seder Without appearing disrespectful, I wonder if the different interpretations of leaning at the Seder , as presented by our scholars, could be an issue of a language barrier. I wonder if G d wants us to put so much effort into learning and understanding the meaning of Jewish Law. Would not G d's desires be met if we could read Torah and immediately know the "correct" interpretation. I am far from a scholar. It am what some scholars refer to as a "simple Jewish person". I do appreciate and love the lectures as presented by Rabbi Kaplan. I am grateful to be able to participate in the learning process. B'H. Thank you. Reply

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