
The Great Search

Discovering Talmudic Principles

This three-part Talmud series will be exploring and analyzing the first chapter of tractate Pesachim, focusing on the mitzvah of searching and disposing of all chametz on the eve of Pesach— leading to the discovery of three fundamental principles related to speech, rent and mitzvah performance. Just in time for Pesach!

Talmudic Principles on Searching for Chametz
The day preceding Passover we are enjoined to search and remove all chametz from our possession. Join the Talmud’s discussion in analyzing the choice terminology used in the Mishnah in addressing Bedikat Chametz (searching for chometz), which will reveal a powerful lesson in communication.
Talmudic Principles on Searching for Chametz
In discussing the proper time for searching the chametz we encounter a broader Talmudic principle to hasten the performance of a mitzvah, which leads to a beautiful discussion.
Talmudic Principles on Searching for Chametz
Who is responsible for searching and removing the Chametz in a rented home? Join the discussion in analyzing the two sides of the argument.
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