
The Indelible Jew

Remove the ash and the burning fire will appear

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The Indelible Jew : Remove the ash and the burning fire will appear

We are like letters carved in stone, not like ink on parchment. Rediscover your rich Jewish background.
Podcast: Subscribe to Yacov Barber - Parsha Messages
Jewishness; Jewish Identity, Removing the Ash from the Altar, Tzav

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Jane de Vries Paramus August 2, 2016

Great joke! Love your brief presentations! Reply

Alicia Madrid March 23, 2016

Air Dear Rabbi Yacov Barber. Thanks a lot for your inspirational and funny speach. Actually, sometimes the breeze of clean fresh air is able to take away the dust to let emerge our Judaism. Shabat Shalom. Reply

רחל גן יאשיה. ישראל. March 23, 2016

Yishar coach! יישר כח גדול לרב. פורים שמח לכל עם ישראל. Reply

Yacov Barber Melbourne March 22, 2016

To my many listeners,

I am humbled by the many messages of thanks and encouragement.

After listening to the recording I realised I had made an error.

I speak of the parchment cracking and even disappearing. What I meant to say was that the ink on the parchment may crack and even disappear.

thank you Reply