8:44 Rabbi Grunblatt - Hakhel Speech Remarks by Rabbi Tzvi Grunblatt first aired during the Worldwide Interactive Hakhel Gathering held on 7 Tishrei, 5776Z by Vaad Or v'Chom Hahiskashrus Watch
7:22 Rabbi Lew - Hakhel Speech Remarks by Rabbi Shmuel Lew first aired during the Worldwide Interactive Hakhel Gathering held on 7 Tishrei, 5776 by Vaad Or v'Chom Hahiskashrus Watch
3:35 Rabbi Lazar - Hakhel Speech Remarks by Rabbi Berel Lazar first aired during the Worldwide Interactive Hakhel Gathering held on 7 Tishrei, 5776 by Vaad Or v'Chom Hahiskashrus Watch
4:37 Children's P"N at the Ohel Children from Tzivos Hashem singing Tzoma L'cha Nafshi and reading a P"N at the Ohel, first aired during the Worldwide Interactive Hakhel Gathering held on 7 Tishrei, 5776 by Vaad Or v'Chom Hahiskashrus Watch