
National Menorah Lighting: Washington D.C., USA

American Friends Of Lubavitch - December 6, 2015

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National Menorah Lighting: Washington D.C., USA: American Friends Of Lubavitch - December 6, 2015

Join the live broadcast of the lighting ceremony of the national Chanukah menorah located on the Ellipse at the White House in Washington D.C. Featuring the “United States Marine Band” and "The Three Cantors".
Public Menorahs, Chanukah

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Aaron Gringle Wheeling WV usa December 10, 2015

Not really jewish myself but thank you for helping me to keep at least one of my late wife's traditions alive. Reply

Rachel Gan Yoshiya, Israel December 7, 2015

Toda Raba Chanukkah Sameach and thanks for Chabad! You really light up so many hearts in the world with magic light of kindness and wisdom! Reply

Sara Blacher Plainfield CT December 7, 2015

Thank you so much for the Chanukah programs and teachings. It makes me feel like being with family and lots of Jewish friends. I very much enjoy this. Please keep it up. Reply

farah sajid pakistan December 6, 2015

Happy Hanukkah Thank you for this kind blessing video. They all bless people who join this beautiful evening with bless of G_D. Reply

vanessa faria de oliveira São Paulo/Brazil December 6, 2015

Chag Chanukah Sameach Congratulations on this wonderful light party. Thank you for the opportunity to share with you Chanukah, although I not be Jewish. Reply

Lisa Maryland December 6, 2015

God bless Israel forever and ever, Amen. Reply

Anonymous USA December 6, 2015

Thank you Awesome, absolutely Awesome. The beauty of the performance brought tears to my eyes, thank you - Happy Chanukah! Reply

Linda Florida December 6, 2015

What a beautiful celebration to watch from the nation's capital. Thank you for promoting our faith around the world. Reply

Joyce Oxfeld Philadelphia December 6, 2015

I couldn't make it to the Philly Menorah lighting but, I was pleased to view this tonight, and see our Rabbi Shemtov speak. The program was very thoughtfully done , in light of the San Bernardino incident, and political sentiments in this country now. I heated some of my own latkes and ate a special doughnut to celebrate Chanukah in my own home. Reply

The Carpenters December 6, 2015

Thank you so much! Reply


Happy National Menora Celebrations. Shalom . Reply

Sophia USA December 6, 2015

Faith by Example Chanukah Two years ago, Alabama had a major snow storm which left me stranded on the highway. I was told that I didn't have enough gas to keep my car running. So G-d brought to my attention Chanukah. I prayed, as I believe that your hand was with the Jewish people 2200 years ago, do the same for me so I don't freeze here in this car. Fifteen hours later when the roads were finally opened. I looked at the gas gauge as sang a song of thanks to G-d. There was still the same amount of gas, even though the car was running all night and early into the morning. I tell everyone, this was nothing but G-d. So now Chanukah has an even more special to me, because I became an example of faith in action. Ayah Ashia Ayah (I AM that I AM) Amen!!!!! Reply

Lana December 6, 2015

Happy Chanukah Reply

Laurie Fort Benning, GA December 6, 2015

Fort Benning, GA Fort Benning, GA is honored to live stream this video! Yasher Koach Rabbi Shemtov. Reply

Anonymous St. CLAIR December 6, 2015

I am thrilled to see our capital honoring the Jewish feast days Reply

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