
The Story of Two Rachels

The heart of the Jewish mother

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The Story of Two Rachels: The heart of the Jewish mother

Learning from the stories of Rabbi Akiva’s wife Rachel and Jacob’s wife Rachel in how to empower Jewish women today. (A talk at the Jewish Women’s Retreat in Toronto in 2015)
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Jacob Marries Leah and Rachel, Akiba ben Joseph, Women, Femininity & Feminism, Akiba's Wife (Rachel), Vayeitzei, Rachel

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Marta Carr Pasadena, California November 11, 2018

Thank you Rabbi Josef Y. Jacobson for your amazing point of view about women. For me, female work is great in this game called Earth. The role of women is to create children (humanity) in their own bodies. Women are also prepared to feed humanity through our own bodies. In addition, in this time, in a favorable situation and more convenient for all, if women stay at home supervising the behavior of our children, with all the knowledge that there is now, the story would be inclined to the other side. Who has the power? In addition at everything that you Rabbi has pointed out about the resolve of women in the Bible, I am sure we can list other important decisions which women had taken without having to abandon their great responsibility as women.
Thanks for your inspiration, Reply

Annette Toronto January 13, 2016

Rachel and R Akiva have a most inspiring story... he's gone for 12 years, and again for another 12 years... perhaps he lost 24,000 students for leaving her for 24 years... how did they have children? did they have children? how many? when? what does the Ramban say about this? Reply