
Laws of Tisha B'Av

Contemporary Halachah and Kitzur Shulchan Aruch

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Laws of Tisha B'Av: Contemporary Halachah and Kitzur Shulchan Aruch

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Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, Halacha, Tisha B’Av

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Meilech Silberberg Cong. Bais Chabad West Bloomfield July 24, 2015

Dear Levi Shayichya
As I mentioned , the Rama says that the minhag is not to learn regular divrey Torah from Chatzos on Friday.
If one can follow the Rama ,he surely should do so. Therefore I did most of the Shnayim mikro today before Chatzos. I was not able to finish it . I will do it IYH tomorrow
Shnayim Mikra and Targum is certainly Torah Shbal Peh since Targum is not just a translation of Chumash
Kol Tuv a guten Shabbos and have an easy fast.
Rabbi Silberberg Reply

levi rapoport brooklyn July 23, 2015

attn Meilech Silberberg Cong. Bais Chabad 1) it sounded to me that you prefer to do it before chatzos of Friday every week, not just this week. 2)Are you suggesting that this year we must refrain from learning Torah from Friday midday until Sunday night? i thought you said (as did Rabbi Shusterman) that we must only refrain from Shabbos midday? if so, one can to Shnayim Mikra even Shabbos morning -?- 3)wouldn't shnayim mikra be considered Torah Shebichsav? Reply

Elimelech Silberberg July 23, 2015

My statement about besomim was limited to pregnant women who might be breaking their fast on Motzai Shabbo and making havdala
I have been asked about my statement by others and I agree that even though the Shulchan Oruch doesn't talk about thee case of pregnant women who are noit fasting they should be subject to the same din and not use besomim Reply

levi rapoport brooklyn July 23, 2015

Comment @ 4:19 this year, we don't use spices (b'samim) on Saturday night Reply

Meilech Silberberg Cong. Bais Chabad West Bloomfield July 22, 2015

Dear Levi Shayichya
Since the Rama writes clearly that the minhag is not to learn Torah after Chatzos on Erev Tisha B'Av and it's not clear that there is an official Chabad minhag to do Shnayim Mikra after chatzos on Erev Tisha Bav , I therefore have always done it before chatzos on Erev Tisha Bav which is Friday.
If I said that learning Rashi is considered Torah Shbksav it was a פליטת הפה.
Kol Tuv and thank you fro your comments

Levi Y. Rapoport Syracuse, NY July 22, 2015

Q: @ 12:54 Why is Rashi considered the written Torah? Reply

Levi Y. Rapoport Syracuse, NY July 22, 2015

Correction @ 7:56 It's preferable to do Shnayim Mikra V'echad Targum after midday on Friday. (Shlachan Aruch Harav 285:6, and see footnote 40 in new print) Reply

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