
In the Shadow of the Mountain

Preparing to Receive the Torah

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In the Shadow of the Mountain: Preparing to Receive the Torah

Soon after the Jewish people arrived at Mount Sinai, the final stages to receive the Torah began to unfold in earnest. This talk explores two views on the nature of these special days and what exactly is required of us as we prepare to receive the Torah anew this year. (Sefer Hasichos 5750)
Podcast: Subscribe to Moishe New - Commentaries on the Torah
Shavuot, Mount Sinai, Giving of the Torah

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Karen Comeaux USA August 24, 2015

Mogen av roma- "the people were commanded to sanctify themselves" , but in Torah G-d commands Mosheh to sanctify the people. Their washing of their clothes comes in response to their being sanctified. The first mention of sanctify (qadash) in Torah is Exodus 13, whatsoever opens the womb is sanctified unto the Lord. So does the baby work in any way to be sanctified ? Sanctification is passive with respect to the one being sanctified. Altar e bet further expands on the busyness (work) of receiving Torah. The irony is that the act of receiving is passive. God came down- Torah was given. When Adam and Eve sinned they labored to cover themselves. Did they kill the sacrifice? No G-d did, they received covering "sanctified" passively. G-d's command to - "Do not ascend" speaks of the Tower of Babel, where man labored (worked) to ascend. This passage is prophetic. This week is a picture of millennium, and day 6 is here. G-d is coming to us without our assistance, to sanctify His chosen. Reply

This class analyzes an aspect of the weekly Torah portion or upcoming holiday. While providing a basic understanding of the subject matter, the lesson delves into its deeper and more complex dimensions with emphasis on the spiritual relevance to our daily lives. Inspiration for both the novice and advanced student.
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