Parsha Vaeira, Part 7: Hashem tells Moshe to go to Pharaoh early in the morning and warn him about the plague of hail
Ch. 9 verses 13-35: Hashem tells Moshe to go to Pharaoh early in the morning and warn him about the plague of hail, which would be as severe as all the plagues. Moshe makes a mark on the wall and says at this time tomorrow the hail, thunder, and rain would come. He warned Pharaoh and his people to take all their animals and servants into their houses. Anything left in the field would die. It also would destroy the flax and the barley. When the hail comes Pharaoh calls for Moshe and Aaron and admits that G-d is righteous and that he and his people are evil. He agrees to let the people go if Moshe would pray to Hashem to remove the hail and the thunder.
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