
Parsha Vaeira, Part 4

Hashem tells Moshe that when Pharaoh asks you to do something that amazes you, tell Aaron to throw his staff in front of Pharaoh and turn it into a snake

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Parsha Vaeira, Part 4: Hashem tells Moshe that when Pharaoh asks you to do something that amazes you, tell Aaron to throw his staff in front of Pharaoh and turn it into a snake

Ch. 7 verses 8-22: Hashem tells Moshe that when Pharaoh asks you to do something that amazes you, tell Aaron to throw his staff in front of Pharaoh and turn it into a snake. They did what Hashem told them but Pharaoh had his magicians do the same. Then Aaron had his staff swallow all their staffs. Hashem tells Moshe to go to the Nile in the morning and warn him that G-d would turn all the water into blood and that all the fish in the Nile would die and cause Egypt to stink. Moshe told Aaron to turn all the waters into blood and he did.
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