
Parsha Vaeira, Part 2

Hashem tells Moshe the fifth term of redemption, " that I will bring you to the land."

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Parsha Vaeira, Part 2: Hashem tells Moshe the fifth term of redemption, " that I will bring you to the land."

Ch. 6 verses 8-24: Hashem tells Moshe the fifth term of redemption, " that I will bring you to the land." Moshe speaks to the people but they do not listen to him because of their harsh conditions. G-d tells him to go to Pharaoh, but Moshe says if the people don't listen to me how will Pharaoh especially with my speech defect? Hashem then tells Moshe and Aaron to speak to the people and to Pharaoh about the exodus. Portion continues with the lineage of the families of Ruevain, Shimon, and then Levi. However with Levi the Torah elucidates on their lineage, with the intent of introducing us to their families, especially Aaron his sons.
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