
Parsha Vaeira, Part 1

Introduction, Hashem speaks harshly to Moshe

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Parsha Vaeira, Part 1: Introduction, Hashem speaks harshly to Moshe

Ch. 4 verses 2-7: Introduction, Hashem speaks harshly to Moshe since he questioned His actions, but then softens His tone. He tells Moshe that the Avos never questioned His actions and He never had to interact with them with the name Hashem of mercy. He tells Moshe that he has heard the groans of the B'nai Yisrael because of their harsh servitude and He has remembered His covenant. He expresses to Moshe four terms of redemption that would show the people that He was their G-d and that He would bring them out from under the burdens of the Egyptians.
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