
Serve with Joy

Discussions on Prayer, Lesson 14

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Serve with Joy: Discussions on Prayer, Lesson 14

As we begin our many praises of G-d in creation, we first establish some important principles in the Psalm Mizmor LeTodah, like G-d’s transcendent providence within nature. We then move on to explain the main ideas conveyed in the 21 verses of Yehi Ch’vod.
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Prayer Book, Prayer

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Kaplan February 18, 2015

It is difficult to give a simple answer to this question because of the many variables that come into play. How fluent are you in reading Hebrew? How long are you able to maintain focused on one matter? and how much time do you have available to spend on it. When I am praying alone and have time I will spend between one and one and a half hours. In my Shul the Shachrit takes between forty and fifty (Monday and Thursday) minutes. The principle of the matter as stated in the Code of Jewish Law is "it is better to say a little with proper intent than a lot without it." However, there are basic prayers that must be said even if the level intent is questionable because the general intend of 'talking to Hashem' is there for anyone who is praying.
RSK. Reply

Anonymous Arizona USA February 17, 2015

Morning prayers Please tell me approximately how long should it takes for a person to say the morning prayers (Shachearis) at home each day? Reply

We spend much time each day reciting the words of the siddur. Join us to enhance your prayers and become more proficient in understanding and mastering the prayer liturgy. This comprehensive series on Tefillah explores the special meaning embedded in the text of our prayers—elucidating, step by step, the words, structure, and progression of the siddur.
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