
Mission of Kings

10 Shevat, 5735 · January 22, 1975

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Mission of Kings: 10 Shevat, 5735 · January 22, 1975

Torah states: “Every Jew is a king.” The Mitzvah campaigns especially express this kingship.
Farbrengen, Lubavitcher Rebbe

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Menachem Posner for Chabad.org January 21, 2010

To Sarah: Yes, you got it all right. (It seems though that you may have missed the first mitzvah that the Rebbe mentioned: the obligation to study Torah.) Reply

sarah January 21, 2010

I would like to clarify, the mitzvas the Rebbe talks about are:

1. Tefilin
2. Mezuza
3. Torah Books
4. Tzedaka
5. Shabbos Candles

Correct? Reply

Richard Raff BonneyLake, WA January 19, 2010

To the Rebbe This is to the Rebbe and to all the great Mitzvahs he had done for the sake of all the kings of Israel and every Jew. L'chaim L'chaim Reply

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