
Our Irrational Response to Anti-Semitism

Go Beyond Reason

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Our Irrational Response to Anti-Semitism : Go Beyond Reason

Slaughtering the lamb in Egypt teaches us that there are no logical solutions to counter the darkest forces. G-d acts above reason when we do.
Bo, Reason and Supra-rationality, Antisemitism

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Avraham January 17, 2016

Yes, the Egyptians worshipped sheep Besides for the Jewish historical sources on this, it is clear from secular sources that sheep were among the many animals venerated, there was even a deity with a ram's head. If you do a little research, you'll find plenty of the evidence you seek. Reply

Anonymous Bellevue, Wa January 13, 2016

Egyptian gods. A lamb was the Egyptian god? Where is your evidence. I've heard of a plethora of Egyptian gods, but lambs? I don't think so. Reply

Binie Harlig December 12, 2015

Wow it's so true and beautiful! Hashem should bring moshiach speedily in our days! Reply

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