
The Daily Temple Song

Discussions on Prayer, Lesson 12

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The Daily Temple Song: Discussions on Prayer, Lesson 12

Together with the daily burnt offering in the Holy Temple, King David established verses of praise to be sung both at morning and afternoon. In this lesson we continue with these verses of the Hodu prayer and get a taste of the main themes of this section (up until Baruch She'amar).
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1 Comment
L February 3, 2015

When we say Hashem is transcendent, Rabbi Kaplan how would you express his
transcendence. Or do we just know, as being connected to him via prayer or hearing
beautiful voices recognizing & contributing to the awesomeness of Hashem's Torah?
The illumination in these past 12 lessons have been some of the sweetest. B'H' Reply

We spend much time each day reciting the words of the siddur. Join us to enhance your prayers and become more proficient in understanding and mastering the prayer liturgy. This comprehensive series on Tefillah explores the special meaning embedded in the text of our prayers—elucidating, step by step, the words, structure, and progression of the siddur.
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