
Thank G-d for Life

Discussions on Prayer, Lesson 4

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Thank G-d for Life: Discussions on Prayer, Lesson 4

In this lesson we probe the deeper meaning of the blessing ‘Elokay Neshamah’, which acknowledges and thanks G-d for granting us life and a divine soul. We then proceed to explore the subsequent morning blessings of gratitude.
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Prayer Book, Prayer, G-dly Soul, "Who gives the rooster wisdom...", Morning Blessings

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Gabriel Mondragon September 1, 2021

!תודה רבה Reply

Adrian D'Cap B&B Stellenbosch April 3, 2019

Thank you Rabbi! Louis Reply

Anonymous New Jersey December 16, 2015

Morning Blessing Thank you Rabbi. Happy Healthy Chanukkah to you and your family and to all. Reply

Heather Wolf California May 8, 2015

Thank you Rabbi! Reply

Anonymous USA 19713 December 16, 2014

Thank you Rabbi , but could you please speak. the Hebrew slower, so I can follow, I am am a beginner? These explanations are much appreciated. Reply

Anonymous December 16, 2014

Thank you Rabbi for helping me to understand.

peter sundwall sweden December 15, 2014

b bless You Shmuel for your reminders......

happy chanukkah Reply

Anonymous Kingston December 15, 2014

Thank You Thanks for this! It's much better to have some appreciation of the subtle thinking behind the blessings than mechanically to rattle through them every day. Reply

David R. Bumaguin Kitchener, ON December 9, 2014

G-d give us intelligence to distinguish, when and how to pray to our G-d, lets use our intelligence to make meaningful decisions in our life, and because this life has a precious value. Reply

We spend much time each day reciting the words of the siddur. Join us to enhance your prayers and become more proficient in understanding and mastering the prayer liturgy. This comprehensive series on Tefillah explores the special meaning embedded in the text of our prayers—elucidating, step by step, the words, structure, and progression of the siddur.