
The Blood Libel Through the Ages

Hate propaganda and its impact on the collective unconscious

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The Blood Libel Through the Ages: Hate propaganda and its impact on the collective unconscious

Beginning with the Norwich libel of 1144, the blood libel was repeated again and again, becoming a classic model of strategic propaganda. How did this model emerge and what are the components that contribute to its success?
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Beilis, Mendel, Jewish History, Antisemitism, Blood Libel

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Bradley Ponsart November 4, 2015

Knowledge Empowers I recall reading this history, when I was researching the origins of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, but I did not know this was historically the origin of the Blood Libel fabrication. If I recall, in my research, it was shown that the priories, owed much money to one or more prominent Jewish businessmen, and had a vested interest in dispossessing this debt by having those they owed money to convicted of a capital crime. It was during this research that I learned that Jews, were coerced in many European communities, to become money lenders, as it was unlawful for Christians to borrow or lend money amongst themselves. Thank you Esther Shallan, for such comprehensive research on this subject. Reply

Anonymous January 6, 2015

Love history I love history so i like the video Reply

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