
Vov Tishrei Farbrengen Webcast

Commemorating the 50th Yahrtzeit of Rebbetzin Chana Schneerson

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Vov Tishrei Farbrengen Webcast: Commemorating the 50th Yahrtzeit of Rebbetzin Chana Schneerson

This year, on Vov Tishrei (September 30th), we mark 50 years since the passing of Rebbetzen Chana Schneerson o.b.m., mother of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Join Chassidim from around the world for an hour of reflection and inspiration from the life of this extraordinary woman. We will be hearing from Rabbis Yehuda Krinsky, Shlomo Zarchi, Shmuel Lew, and Shalom Moshe Paltiel.
Tishrei 6, Rebbetzin Chana Schneerson

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1 Comment
Anonymous Maple September 29, 2014

Thank You Yasher Koach Shlomie Deren for arranging this geshmake Farbrengen! Reply

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