
High Holiday Cantorial Classics

A Cantor Sings Traditional Compositions from the Machzor

High Holiday Cantorial Classics
Chazan Aryeh Leib Hurwitz masterfully presents a cantorial rendition of the High Holidays ‘Hineni’ prayer, which is a beautiful personal prayer the cantor chants immediately before the Musaf Amidah, humbly beseeching G-d to accept his prayers in leading the congregation.
High Holiday Cantorial Classics
Chazan Aryeh Leib Hurwitz beautifully presents the traditional High Holidays rendition of the Kaddish the cantor recites preceding the Musaf Amidah, in which we proclaim and affirm the sanctification of G-d’s name and praise G-d Almighty.
High Holiday Cantorial Classics
Chazan Aryeh Leib Hurwitz presents an awe-inspiring cantorial rendition of the iconic High Holidays prayer of Unesanneh Tokef, in which we describe the awesome Day of Judgment wherein the fate of all of creation is judged—“written on Rosh Hashanah and sealed on Yom Kippur.”
High Holiday Cantorial Classics
Chazan Aryeh Leib Hurwitz masterfully presents the classic cantorial rendition of Kol Nidrei, the opening prayer of Yom Kippur.
High Holiday Cantorial Classics
Chazan Aryeh Leib Hurwitz presents a stirring cantorial rendition of “Vehakohanim”, which is recited during the Musaf of Yom Kippur, where the cantor reads about the day’s special Temple service by the High Priest and how all would fall on their faces when hearing the holy name of G-d uttered.
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