
My Visit to Israel in the Heart of War

Showing support to the soldiers and our brothers and sisters in Israel

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My Visit to Israel in the Heart of War: Showing support to the soldiers and our brothers and sisters in Israel

Rabbi Mendel Kaplan headed a special delegation to Israel amidst the war in Gaza. He met with soldiers, parents that lost their children in battle, and communities in the south terrorized by rocket fire; and tells of his incredible trip.
Unity; Oneness, Operation Protective Edge (2014), Israel

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David Cavall Buffalo December 15, 2023

An incredible outpouring of love.
If only this could be an example for the rest of the world. Reply

Esther Denver April 18, 2018

Thank you for a little Hebrew to help me learn the language of my people. Reply

S United Kingdom February 4, 2018

This is a wonderful example of loving your neighbour as yourself. Thank you. Reply

Anonymous May 17, 2016

Wow! Thank you for sharing! so beautiful! Eretz Yisroel IS the safest place. and, if you are meant to die, you will die, whether or not you are in Eretz Yisroel. The achdus of Am Yisroel is truly amazing! Moshiach now! Reply

Jorge São Paulo/Brazil May 27, 2015

Sharing My wife, my mom and I faced the doubt about travelling during these conflicts last year. It would be our first trip to Israel. And we did as planned! It was very touching for all of us!
Best experience: I was standing at the Kotel trying to register the moment when an IDF soldier came out of nowhere and asked so sincerely if I need help with that...I felt so welcome in that moment!
It's so meaningful to know that someone else felt the same in such a stressful moment! Thank you for sharing rabbi, and thanks Chabad for allow us to do the same! Reply

victor April 14, 2015

rabbi Kaplan I believe every one at the prime minister's office was as touched by Rabbi Kaplan's experience as I am.... I'm sure the PM would also like to express fondness to all the Canadians and blessing your group richly deserves the sense of family, tradition and respect so fully unites us that I can hardly put pen to paper...except to say g_d bless you
Wonderfully yours...great work Reply

isabel soroko August 20, 2014

shalom! It is so touching story. Bravo!!! Israel is fighting for himself, protecting themselves. But also is fighting against terrorists what is good for whole world, especially when we know what's going on now actually in Iraq, etc. Great story!!! Reply

Ulli Rotzscher Berkeley August 17, 2014

Yasher koach, thank you so much for sharing your impressions with us and for what you did.
I am very touched by what you said.

Beverley Price Johannesburg August 14, 2014

Kindness and life. Reply

Aliza NY August 12, 2014

Doing Our Part If readers are wishing they could do something, and they are inclined to criticize the President or the State Department - I would like to suggest an alternative.
Its called hakarat hatov, and it means showing appreciation. I think that positive feedback to the politicians who publically support our soldiers is a much more productive use of your time and energy than trying to sway the President.
Included in the HaKaras HaTov can be the Prime Minister of the country where Rabbi Kaplan lives. The PM of Canada has been an incredible support of anti-terror. Let him hear from Jews around the world what we appreciate his support. He gets political opposition for his position - we can balance that out with international support. Reply

A California via JewishTV iOS June 5, 2024
in response to Aliza :

Great report on the trip. Thanks Reply

Geraldine Murphy. August 11, 2014

continued support to Israel at this time of trial.I will pray for peace to come and for the economy to flourish.

Anonymous Florida August 10, 2014

G-d bless your work for Israel. Israel and the Jewish people have not seen hate like this since Nazi Germany. Too few Jews willing to publicly support Israel who is doing everything possible to defend her citizens while under fire by Hamas who seek to destroy her and kill as many Jews as possible. I am greatly disappointed in American administration that treats Hamas as the equivalent of Israel. Also, the only Jews we see on TV here in the states are anti-Israeli. Keep up the great work. Reply

Yisrael Deren Stamford August 10, 2014

Wow!! Mendel - my only regret is that I didn't see this before Shabbat. My friends - if you don't want to be made to feel really really guilty - stay away from the Chabad Center this coming Shabbat morning - I know what my sermon is going to focus on this week! Reply

Michael Ben Tzvi Buenos Aires August 10, 2014

You inspired me I feel I haven't done enough for my brothers in Israel. I'll try to do more. Beezrat Hashem Reply

tryphenasheeba and family INDIA August 9, 2014

its so touching Respcted Rabbi thankyou for visiting the soldiers. Thanks for sharing those moment with us me and my family and my church are praying for Isrel the soldiers ,protection of Israel specially Jerusalem.May the Lord Almighty be wih all of them ,protect them and bring glorius victory to Israel Shalom Reply

Chavah Kwiatkowska August 6, 2014

Impressive story, heartening words. Dear Rabbi, thank you for sharing! Reply

Anonymous TN, USA August 6, 2014

Am Ysroel Chai This was so powerful! Thanks for sharing it and for doing what you did. I was moved to tears as I listened and felt the palpable love through your words and pictures. So beautiful!!

Am Ysroel Chai Reply

Maria USA August 5, 2014

Thank you so much for sharing Rabbi Kaplan, like you said, the Jewish people are one family, and that gives me so much hope that things will get better. Thank you again. Reply

Leah Herman Pittsburgh, PA August 5, 2014

Moved to tears
So touching and so moving.

This is just what I needed to hear as Tish b'Av comes to a close. My heart overflows with pride and joy of being part of this great nation.

Thank you, Rabbi, for traveling to support our brothers and sisters in our Holy Land, and for sharing your inspiration with us.

We pray for the safety of our brave soldiers who are riskimg their lives to protect and defend Israel.

May we be reunited in Israel speedily in our days. Reply

Sara G. Sudbury, MA, USA August 5, 2014

Bless you, Rabbi Kaplan, both for your extraordinary efforts in making the trip and spreading inspiration by sharing. May your shining example motivate others with aha at yisrael and ma'asim tovim. Reply

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