
The Temple Mount in International Law

The complex legal history of Judaism's holiest site

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The Temple Mount in International Law: The complex legal history of Judaism's holiest site

Though the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is technically under Israeli sovereignty. But due to the complex history of the site's status under international and Israeli law, and also due to Jewish legal (i.e. halachic) considerations, access to Jews remains severely restricted.
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Jewish History, Law; Jurisprudence, Temple Mount

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Anonymous USA February 23, 2017

Temple Mount Many people including Muslims do not know that the Dome of the Rock, or Temple Mount structure was built against the laws of Islam by a man who was the son of the enemy of the Prophet of Islam, whose name was Malik Bin Marwan. This structure was built as a second Kaba (the holiest place of the Muslims, which is a four sided cube) and thus has 8 sides and an open space to circumambulate. This was done after the grandson of Prophet Mohammad, Husain was killed in 680 AD by the former Caliph of Banu Umayya, whose name was Yazid. In 683 Yazid died and his uncle's son Malik bin Marwan became the Caliph. There was a great revolt against the Banu Umayya, which caused their empire to break into two parts, the Eastern and Western parts, to the point that Muslims in the Western part could not go to perform Hajj in the Kaba. Therefore Malik bin Marwan built this structure as a Second Kaba. However he was warned by his Muslim scholars that performing a Hajj there would get him killed. Thanks. Reply

Anonymous toronto August 25, 2014

Temple mount It is not by accident that Muslims were given control of the Temple Mount. God chose them to have control over it, because the Jewish people were not doing business the ethical way. Now that the shekel is broken, it is chosen to be given to the Jews.Muslims should be true to their word and give it to those who have been chosen for this Holy place. Reply

Anonymous toronto July 18, 2014

peace The temple mount has been given to the righteous. As long as others control what belongs to the righteous there will not be peace.Everyone can fight over it , but it still belongs to those who are appointed for it. Reply

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