
The Challenge of Our Times

A farbrengen with Rabbi Manis Friedman

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The Challenge of Our Times: A farbrengen with Rabbi Manis Friedman

What is the biggest difficulty and impediment in life today? We can learn from the Rebbe how to overcome this challenge and to live with higher purpose.
Lubavitcher Rebbe, Gimmel Tammuz, Struggle, Challenge & Adversity

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Carolyn Ontario, Canada September 1, 2018

Thank you Rabbi Friedman :) You are a great teacher.
I noticed most plants, trees, seem to be lifting up towards the heavens..
worshiping G-d. Even my dogs seem to have G-d's nature of unconditional love.

"Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad;
let the sea resound, and all that is in it.
12 Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them;
let all the trees of the forest sing for joy." Reply

Lillian Butler Denver September 4, 2016

Such a nice teaching...I enjoyed it so:) Reply

Lillian Butler Denver September 4, 2016

Inspirational Thank you! I really like you. Your teachings are a blessing. Reply

Debby USA June 13, 2016

Baruch HaShem! Rabbi Friedman, you bring in the light through your talks. May you be blessed. Thank you for communicating to us your thoughts. Debby Reply

Debby USA June 13, 2016

"Do you see what I’m saying?" Radio waves and afterglow. The Black hole actually “gives” if you can perceive the light. "The emission instead originates from an active galactic nucleus that is powered by a supermassive black hole. Dual jets blast outward from the black hole, and complex physical processes within those jets create a constant source of radio waves. The variations we see from Earth may be due to a process called "scintillation," where interstellar gases make an intrinsically steady radio beacon appear to flicker, just like Earth's atmosphere makes light from stars twinkle. The source itself might also be varying as the active galactic nucleus periodically gulps a little more matter and flares in brightness.” phys.org/news/2016-04-fast-radio-afterglow-flickering-black.html
I’m reminded of the Israelites wandering the desert, who are given manna to eat, yet their clothing never wears out and they do not have to go to the bathroom. They are still immature, developing in the incubator of the desert. Perhaps the small insect mentioned as the lowest of the low indicates a person who is unable to fully mature into their potential? Reply

Rivky Ny January 15, 2015

Amazing class thank you! RL Reply

Marlon lozano El Paso Tx. January 1, 2015

love the way you tell the history of our people. Reply

LP Jerusalem July 2, 2014

even after 25 years ... I first heard you speak over 25 years ago and still I can listen to your words over and over and over again.. not as an addiction .. I don't always get it the first time . Thank G-d for videos... wouldn't it be nice ( there's probably a better word) to be less selfish.. Not to "Be " or be less about "me" - a tall order - at least for some of us.. I'm working on it... of course not as self improvement Reply

Peninah Houston June 24, 2014

Thank You Thank you Rabbi,I love your teachings and sense of humor. L'chaim indeed. Reply

Anonymous Quartz Hill, CA June 24, 2014

Thank you for the whole truth. Reply

Anonymous Hollywood June 23, 2014

Great talk! Rabbi Friedman has a great talent for bringing clarity to Chassidus. Reply

Gerrie Ritchie-Cox Birmingham June 23, 2014

Really resonates and enjoyed listening in Thank you very much :) Reply

Chavah Kwiatkowska Latvia June 23, 2014

A wonderful farbrengen Dear Rabbi Friedman, thank you very much for this uplifting and thought-provoking speech! Reply

Katarina Evetovic Jones Oxford June 23, 2014

Thank you for a such an excellent teachings. xx Reply

pinchas goldstein cleveland June 22, 2014

nice nice farbrengen! Reply

S B South America June 22, 2014

yishar koaj lejayim you made the day (night) for another old man. Lechaim! Reply