
Rabbi Daniel Moscowitz, of blessed memory

A Short Video Tribute

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Rabbi Daniel Moscowitz, of blessed memory: A Short Video Tribute

Rabbi Daniel Moscowitz o.b.m. was regional director of Lubavitch-Chabad of Illinois. This short tribute video provides a glimpse into the remarkable life and legacy of Rabbi Moscowitz.

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Batya Esther Cohen Chicago, IL via chabadillinois.com April 6, 2014

VIDEO TRIBUTE TO RABBI DANIEL MOSCOWITZ I am still choked up after having watched the video tribute. Rabbi Moscowitz was "Daniel" to me since he became the Chicago shliach at about the same time I started my path of Torah and mitzvos (1979). Back then it seemed that those of us who were Lubavitchers or growing close to Chabad were like family. I feel much sorrow that we
won't be seeing him on this physical plane for now.

I've had a very comforting image in my mind, however, of Daniel's neshama being "right hand" to our revered Rebbe in Shamayim,
both helping Hashem to "set the stage" for the immediate arrival of Moshiach, our righteous redeemer. Reply