
Jewish Teens Celebrate in Times Square

Saturday Night, March 1, 2014

March 1, 2014
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Jewish Teens Celebrate in Times Square: Saturday Night, March 1, 2014

A thousand Jewish teens from CTeen (Chabad Tteen Network) spent an inspiring Shabbat together in Crown Heights, and then on Saturday night they gathered in freezing Times Square to show the world how proud they are to be Jewish.
Youth, Adolescence

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Shoshanna Pa-17110 July 14, 2015

"C-teen Proud
Family,Forever We'll Be"
Facts. Reply

Etty Florida March 1, 2015

Yes I am a Jew a proud one too!!!
Love the song
Thank you Chabad
Florida Reply

Anonymous michigan August 15, 2014

wow! very inspiring! can we have the words to the song "yes im a Jew" ? its really catchie! Reply

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