
Rambam: Keilim, Chapter 8

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Edward Ayans Moorpark February 25, 2021

When are Tefilin straps not considered kosher, My arm strap broke, can I simply tie irt in a knot? The not will not be on the arm where the 7 wraps are. Reply

Rabbi Mendel Adelman February 28, 2021
in response to Edward Ayans:

The Alter Rebbe rules (33:6) that there are debates about this. Some say that they cannot be repaired at all. Some say that if the tear leaving enough material to wrap around the arm once and then reach the middle finger and wrap around it three times, then it can be tied back together. Others say that if enough material was left just to wrap once around the arm, it can be tied. The Alter Rebbe writes that one should be strict and follow the first opinion, unless it is impossible to procure new straps.

New straps are not very expensive. I would recommend getting new ones if you can. Reply

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