
Rambam: Shar Avot haTumah, Chapter 17

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Anonymous October 13, 2016

Question on Halacha one Why don't we say like by the tree that if the tumah is moving it doesn't transfer the tumah the same thing here since the raven is flying it should remain tahor Reply

Simcha Bart for Chabad.org August 13, 2017
in response to Anonymous:

Perhaps you're referring to earlier in chapter 15 Halacha 5 about a person who is a Metzora, if he wasn't standing still, or there was a doubt if he was standing still, then he he doesn't make anything else under a tree Tamei. This is a special Halacha in regards to a Metzora that is derived from a verse that the Metzora must be still to transfer Tumah under the Ohel.

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