
Inviting Joy into Your Life

Spiritual Development: Lesson 5

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Inviting Joy into Your Life: Spiritual Development: Lesson 5

The more we chase after joy, the more elusive it seems to be.
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Joy; Happiness

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SEEMA ZAREEN March 21, 2023

What a beautiful insight! Thank you Reply

Marsha Billings January 21, 2016

Joy! I very much needed that message today! I live in a nursing home that is Christian, they have church all the time. Now I can go to chabad and feel Jewish! Reply

Batsheva Brooklyn April 2, 2014

Very Inspiring! My entire outlook has changed since listening to your class. It is not just for the few days after, but this is actually part of my personality. Being the primary caregiver for a person with advanced dementia can be very trying. I was thinking of going to a support group to be with others in the same situation. But, this was the" best support group" I could ever ask for.It is a mitzvah and like all mitzvahs, it is important to do them with Joy. Thank you for sharing on chabad.org. Reply

apeymama West Virginia October 3, 2013

Joy is positivity mandated by G-d! I love the discussion of serving with joy. In popular culture, we are told to be positive every day, but we are usually told to do so through the self. Instead, the proper way is to find joy in serving others. I enjoy the analysis of stories from the Torah as illustrations of this principle. It gives the text so much more relevance! Reply

Anonymous Brooklyn October 1, 2013

Excellent class This was an excellent class, thank you so very much! Reply

Anonymous kansas city September 25, 2013

your videos How wonderful to see another video, from the Kosephtina lady!! Reply

Nechama New York September 25, 2013

There is a way we can overcome this impediment. It is through recognizing that G-d is a master over time and can heal the effects of everything and give us a second chance. We can
1. ask or even thank G-d for healing the past situation and granting us a second chance to be receptive and comfortable with joy.
2. We can ask to see it in a revealed way because G-d is unlimited and he waits for us to ask him or thank him in advance showing our faith in his infinite capacity.
Hope this is empowering and removes regret. Reply

Anonymous Cleveland September 22, 2013

regret I realize that I undid a time of blessing for myself by not being receptive or comfortable with the joy I should have been feeling. But now, my regret over that becomes an impediment to current joy. I can't go back in time, I know Reply

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