
Balak Videos

A taste of Shazak Parsha, where the weekly Torah portion comes alive! Geared for kids... Great for adults!
The Week In Rejew
Jono makes jokes, get struck by lightning, and figures out how to mute G-fish. Watch, laugh, and maybe drink a soda?
Anti-Semitism is a powerful, negative, thoroughly unholy phenomenon. Stripped of its negativity, however, its raw power can be used in the service of holiness.
Growing Weekly: Parshat Balak
Balaam seems to have responded irrationally to G-d out of hate, yet at times we may possess similar negative reactions on a subtle level.
Practical Parshah - Balak
This portion contains poetic references to the coming of Moshiach. What is the obligation to believe in the coming of Moshiach?
Torah Portion of Balak
An in-depth analysis of some of the most unusual prophecies ever known to humankind!
Study some of the highlights of the weekly Torah portion with insights from various commentaries.
Decoding the hidden messages
The parshah of Balak contains 104 verses, and the mnemonic for it is the name Manoach. Explore the coded message in this Masoretic note and its connection to the general themes of the Parshah.
Parsha Curiosities: Balak
Balaam’s famous prophetic words “Ma Tovu” occupy a unique place of prominence in the Hebrew Scriptures, our daily prayers and Jewish liturgical compositions. Oftentimes even emblazoned on Holy Ark’s and Synagogue facades, they clearly contain many marvelous mysteries and secrets. Following a general intro, we initiate analysis of Rashi’s seemingly lackluster elucidation, which leads us into a journey of profound discovery as we mine the verse to reveal dynamic dimensions of insight. In the end, our return to the primary port of departure resonates with timely and relevant guidance about the singular importance of modesty in our modern age of hyper-promiscuity.
Exploring Rashi’s commentary on Balaam’s blessing
When Balaam, the greatest gentile prophet attempts to curse the Jewish nation, G-d inspires him to bless us instead. Rashi identifies a nuance in the wording he uses, which illustrates just how deeply G-d cares for His chosen people.
A Taste of Text—Balak
The face evil presents to us is powerful and compelling. But in essence it is an illusion.
Bilam, a non-Jewish prophet, was summoned by the King of Moab to curse the Jewish people. He consented to go, but warned him that he can do nothing and say nothing outside of what G-d instructs him. In the end, Bilam prophesied the future glory of the Jewish people instead.
The fashion and glamor of the wider world can look most alluring. Why, the logic goes, should I stand out like a sore thumb among the rest of society? To that end, dressing in a way that is different to that of the society around us can be a real challenge.
Parshat Balak
In moments of self-doubt, when you feel dejected or worthless, here’s how to transform your negative self-talk.
Something Spiritual on Parshat Balak
Ballam’s prophecies that a “shooting star will come forth from Jacob”. The shooting star refers to either Moshiach or to every Jew, yet they are deeply connected.
Letters and Numbers of Torah - Balak
One of the praises that Bilam says of the Jews is: (Numbers 23:24) "Behold, a people that rises like a lioness and raises itself like a lion." Rashi explains: "When [the Jewish people] awaken from their sleep... they show the vigor of a lioness and a lion in grasping mitzvahs." What is the connection between this week's portion and the Festival of Liberation of 12-13 Tammuz? How is this connected to the two letters 'hei' and 'nun'?
How to Study Torah - Balak
When King Balak hired the evil prophet Bilam to curse the Jews, G-d told Bilam, (Bamidbar 22:12) "Do not curse the nation for they are blessed." But when Balak sent more officers to ask Bilaam again, he told them, (22:19) "Stay here tonight, and I will know if G-d wants to say anything more to me." Why didn't Bilam answer that G-d had already told him not to go? Furthermore, why did G-d eventually allow Bilam to accept the task of cursing the Jews after having previously warned him not to?
Exploring Rashi’s commentary on Ma Tovu
The wicked Balaam wished to curse the Jews, but when he saw the Jewish camp, he simply had to bless us. What was it that he saw?
Rabbi Steinsaltz explores who Balaam is, why Balak chose him, and his place in the archaeological record. How do we reconcile Balaam being a flawed person who also possesses great gifts? And what about the donkey?
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 18, Balak (sicha 2)
Belief and anticipation for the arrival Moshiach is fundamental to Judaism. A closer look at how Rambam spells this out crystalizes the role and function of Moshiach.
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 23, Balak sicha 1
How is it possible that the parsha is called Balak, the name of a wicked gentile? To understand this, we first explore the Torah referencing names of specific forms of idolatry.
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 18, Balak (sicha 4)
A higher level of trust serves as preparation to the Future Redemption, similar to the period prior to entering the Land of Israel. This parallel is conveyed in the theme shared in the beginning of the Haftorah of Balak and the end of the parsha.
The prophet Balaam who tried to curse the Jewish people, instead blesses them with incredible blessings. Maimonides points out how Balaam prophesies of two Messiahs, King David and King Messiah.
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