
Va'eira Videos

Va’eira Parshah Report
Senior Weather/Catastrophe Correspondent Jono gives us a meteorological look at the ten plagues.
At the core of idolatry lurks a reptilian coldness to life. (“Parsha Perks” with Dr Michael Chighel | Va’era)
The story of the Exodus has been told a million times over. True, the ancient tale of miracles and plagues is rich and colorful, but does it carry any personal meaning for us in our modern age?
Topics include: The secret of mastering your own internal "Pharaoh," why Moses was born 130 years after the Jews came to Egypt, blood and frogs as a lesson in passion and coolness, and shortness of breath as a metaphor for the distractions of modern life.
Learn the true art of effective communication
When G-d instructed Moses to go down to Egypt and speak to Pharaoh, Moses protested that he was unfit for the task due to his speech impediment. G-d responded that He would grant Moses the ability to speak and, furthermore, Aaron would act as his spokesperson. Strangely, before Moses approaches Pharaoh he again posits the very same argument only to receive the very same answer! This class will explain the subtle but critical difference between the two scenarios and in so doing will offer a valuable lesson in the art of effective communication.
Practical Parshah—Va’eira
Moses would not pray anywhere within Pharaoh’s capital city, because it was full of idols. Where—besides for a synagogue—can a Jew pray? Where is a Jew forbidden to pray?
Personalizing the Exodus is a critical component of living life Jewishly, because it means allowing our soul to soar and frees our spirit. Viewing the entire schematic of the ancient Egyptian slavery, suffering and redemption process through mystical teachings, opens us to a new worldview; allowing us to see our terrestrial reality from an entirely different perspective. Deep Kabbalistic insight into creation, existence and purpose narrates the singular goal of our exilic odyssey, which also replicates itself in our own personal experiences and ultimately teaches us to see pain, discomfort and difficulty as a segue to greater growth!
Parshah Power - Va’eira
When G-d instructs Moses to speak to Pharaoh, Moses objects that he is speech impaired. Why would G-d’s agent to communicate His word be challenged in this ability itself?
Parsha Va'eira
The Torah tells us (Exodus 7:7) "Moses was 80 years old... when he spoke to Pharaoh." The number 80 is represented in Hebrew by the letter "pei" which hints to the word "peh" meaning "mouth." It was at this age that Moses confronted Pharaoh--the letters of whose name spell "peh rah" or "mouth of evil."
How to Study Torah - Va'eira
When we celebrate our freedom at the Passover Seder, we have Four Cups, Four Children and Four Questions. But they all come from the original "four" of the Torah: The Four Expressions of Redemption.
Study some of the highlights of the weekly Torah portion with insights from various commentaries.
Parshah Curiosities: Va'eira
Twice in the narrative we find Moses protesting and resisting G-d’s mission to tell Pharaoh to let the Jews go due to his difficulty to speak and sealed mouth. What was the remedy to this speech impediment, and why was he challenged this way in his role to be a powerful communicator?
Parsha Curiosities: Va'eira
A brief introduction about Moses’ first sermon (authored by G-d Himself!) – the language of its delivery and how the assembled would have understood it – takes a remarkable turn, segueing into mysterious language legends regarding the literary and spoken communication of our enslaved Hebrew ancestors. Peeling away layer after layer, we are introduced to remarkable communication codes that set us apart, despite the absence of unique national markings in ancient Egypt.
A Taste of Text—Va’eira
Times of extraordinary illumination from above are preceded by periods of profound darkness.
A taste of Shazak Parsha, where the weekly Torah portion comes alive! Geared for kids... Great for adults!
Is the glass half empty or half full? We know that a positive outlook can transform the way we experience life. But what about those really hard times, when seeing any good, having any kind of vision, seems impossible. Learn a new perspective, and the possibilities it can open up.
A story and message from the parsha on exercising extraordinary courage against unjust authority.
Soul Boost for Parshat Va'eira
The verse statses: “Pharaoh’s heart is heavy (kaved); he has refused to let the people out.” A closer look at the two interpretations of the word Kaved found in the commentaries, and the reason Rashi chose to translates it as ‘heavy’ (adjective), instead of ‘has become heavy’ (verb).
The Plague of Frogs (Tzefardea)
Learn why this second plague hit Pharaoh hardest, and how these green creatures became an example of true commitment—inspiring famous people centuries later! See how they unwittingly enforced border control between Ancient Ethiopia and Egypt, and discover Kermit’s crazy ancestors from long ago, as you learn about the extra-ordinary intelligence these amphibious animals displayed. Plus, you’ll be astounded by their incredible super-natural antics as they tormented our Egyptian slave masters as only possessed frogs can! This fascinating class concludes with a deep ethical and spiritual message that we can all take to heart.
G-d tells Moses that he didn’t reveal the special divine name of the Tetragrammaton to the forefathers. Discover the inner meaning of the hidden and revealed names.
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 11, Parsha Va’eira (sicha 2)
What was the unique miracle of the plague of Arov (wild beasts), and what can it teach us about the uniqueness of being Jewish? A thorough analysis of Rashi’s commentary on inciting Arov.
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 16, Vaeira sicha 1
Contrasting Moshe’s complaint to the acceptance of the Avos (the Forefathers) in Rashi’s commentary. Learn how we are born with innate faith in Hashem; and Chabad Chassidus trains us to experience this faith deeply and personally.
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 16, Vaeira sicha 2
Rashi explains how Moshe and Aharon share the Exodus mission equally, yet each plays a unique role in making it happen. Their partnership offers a profound insight into how we reveal Hashem in our world.
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 16, Vaeira sicha 3
Why did Moshe speak to Pharaoh directly but not to the Jews?
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 16, Vaeira sicha 4
Explore Rashi’s commentary on how the plague of frogs happened. Should you start a mitzvah you can't finish? A lesson from Aharon and the frogs.
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 21, Vaeira sicha 1
A close exploration of Rashi's insight into Hashem's discussion with Moshe at the start of the Parsha, introduces us to a radical, revolutionary way to study Torah.
Through the events preceding the Exodus we learn how to break free from our own negative habits and limiting beliefs.
Introduction, Hashem speaks harshly to Moshe
Ch. 4 verses 2-7: Introduction, Hashem speaks harshly to Moshe since he questioned His actions, but then softens His tone. He tells Moshe that the Avos never questioned His actions and He never had to interact with them with the name Hashem of mercy. He tells Moshe that he has heard the groans of the B'nai Yisrael because of their harsh servitude and He has remembered His covenant. He expresses to Moshe four terms of redemption that would show the people that He was their G-d and that He would bring them out from under the burdens of the Egyptians.
Hashem tells Moshe the fifth term of redemption, " that I will bring you to the land."
Ch. 6 verses 8-24: Hashem tells Moshe the fifth term of redemption, " that I will bring you to the land." Moshe speaks to the people but they do not listen to him because of their harsh conditions. G-d tells him to go to Pharaoh, but Moshe says if the people don't listen to me how will Pharaoh especially with my speech defect? Hashem then tells Moshe and Aaron to speak to the people and to Pharaoh about the exodus. Portion continues with the lineage of the families of Ruevain, Shimon, and then Levi. However with Levi the Torah elucidates on their lineage, with the intent of introducing us to their families, especially Aaron his sons.
The Torah introduces us to Elazar and his son Phinchas
Ch. 6 verses 25- 30 Ch. 7 verses 1-7: The Torah introduces us to Elazar and his son Phinchas. It continues with Moshe and Aaron who would be the ones to speak to Pharaoh to take the Jews out of Egypt. Hashem tells Moshe to speak to Pharaoh and he answers that he has a speech defect, "so how will Pharaoh listen to me?" Ch. 7, Hashem tells Moshe that he will be a god to Pharaoh and Aaron will be his prophet. Hashem says that Aaron will tell Pharaoh all that I tell you. He then tells him that Pharaoh will not listen and that He would multiply His signs and wonders in Egypt. The end would be that He would take the children of Israel out of Egypt
Hashem tells Moshe that when Pharaoh asks you to do something that amazes you, tell Aaron to throw his staff in front of Pharaoh and turn it into a snake
Ch. 7 verses 8-22: Hashem tells Moshe that when Pharaoh asks you to do something that amazes you, tell Aaron to throw his staff in front of Pharaoh and turn it into a snake. They did what Hashem told them but Pharaoh had his magicians do the same. Then Aaron had his staff swallow all their staffs. Hashem tells Moshe to go to the Nile in the morning and warn him that G-d would turn all the water into blood and that all the fish in the Nile would die and cause Egypt to stink. Moshe told Aaron to turn all the waters into blood and he did.
Pharaoh is not impressed with the plague of blood, even though it lasts seven days
Ch.7 verses 23-29 Ch. 8 verses 1-14: Pharaoh is not impressed with the plague of blood, even though it lasts seven days. Hashem tells Moshe to tell Pharaoh that he will bring a plague of frogs on Egypt and they will be everywhere. Ch. 8, G-d tells Moshe to say to Aaron to bring the plague of frogs on Egypt and he does so. The Egyptian magicians are also able to do so. Pharaoh calls Moshe and Aaron and tells them to pray to G-d to remove the frogs from himself and his people. Moshe asks him when he wants them removed he says tomorrow and Moshe says as you wish. The next day all the frogs die except those that were in the Nile they remained forever.
The magicians of Egypt admit that the lice are the finger of Hashem
Ch. 8 verse 15-28 Ch. 9 verses 1-12: The magicians of Egypt admit that the lice are the finger of Hashem. Pharaoh stills hardens his heart. Then Moshe warns him about the fourth plague, wild animals. This makes Pharaoh concede to letting the Jews bring sacrifices to Hashem but only in Egypt. Moshe insists on a three day trip into the wilderness. Pharaoh finally agrees and Moshe prays the animals are removed, but Pharaoh hardens his heart once again. Ch. 9, Moshe warns Pharaoh and his people about the fifth plague, pestilence, that would effect all their animals. Once again Pharaoh refuses to let the people go.
Hashem tells Moshe to go to Pharaoh early in the morning and warn him about the plague of hail
Ch. 9 verses 13-35: Hashem tells Moshe to go to Pharaoh early in the morning and warn him about the plague of hail, which would be as severe as all the plagues. Moshe makes a mark on the wall and says at this time tomorrow the hail, thunder, and rain would come. He warned Pharaoh and his people to take all their animals and servants into their houses. Anything left in the field would die. It also would destroy the flax and the barley. When the hail comes Pharaoh calls for Moshe and Aaron and admits that G-d is righteous and that he and his people are evil. He agrees to let the people go if Moshe would pray to Hashem to remove the hail and the thunder.
G-d reveals Himself to those who desperately desire Him. Presenter: Rabbi Uri Kaploun
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