
The Future Tribal Division of the Land of Israel

Parsha Pinchas

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The Future Tribal Division of the Land of Israel: Parsha Pinchas

This class will address the halachic and spiritual dynamics of the expanded Land of Israel in the messianic era with respect to the tribal allotments. (Likutei Sichos, vol. 38, sichah 1)
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פנחס - א, Sechel & Middot, Division of Israel, Pinchas

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Lea P June 18, 2019

Here’s something no one has picked up on. The land of the Kenizzites will be part of the expanded borders/territory of Israel. Now... who said a prayer asking for “expanded borders/territory”?
Jabez! Jabez, the Kenizzite? Not convinced? “Ha-Kenizi” has the same number value as “Jabez”. :) Reply

Simcha Frankel Los Angeles July 13, 2015

Very inspiring class and helpful Dear Rabbi Kaplan sheyichye:
I found this class to be very educational and practical for helping me in my middos work. Thanks for sharing your wisdom. Reply

Lea P June 18, 2019
in response to Simcha Frankel:

Nice to see the most influential group in the Torah that no one ever talks about, the Kenites, finally getting some attention. They are all over many messianic prophecies. Like the prophecy of Bilaam, for instance. Jethro, Heber, Yael... Reply

Fro July 11, 2015

Revelational lessson. Thank you Rabbi Reply

Robert Rubin Boston July 9, 2015

3 areas of land Excellent class tying the tribes to the coming of Moshiach. You mention the tribe of Levi will occupy 3 lands with the coming of Moshiach. You mention Iraq but curious what are the other 2 we will conquer in the context of current geography?

Thank you. Reply

Jorge Sao Paulo/Brazil July 9, 2015

Outstanding rabbi!
Thank you Reply

Anonymous Bronx July 9, 2015

Redemption + conquering our emotions and intellect I agree with Anonymous from Australia re the tribe of Yahudah and the other tribes of Israel. Ha Navi Ezekiel makes it clear in Chapters 36, 37, 38. Isaiah has a lot of information also. Through certain meditations, exercises prayers. And especially practicing forgiveness of others and oneself every day not just once yearly. When a certain opening ( a gap aka A Holy Instant is achieved ). The Ruach Kodesh enters the consciousness and the person is awakened as if from a slumber into the reality of recognizing. That We Are All One This is the true meaning of Shema Ysrael,etc. Reply

Anonymous Australia July 8, 2015

the tribe of Yahudah are the the Jews, the other tribes are still scattered (not knowing their true identities) . they will returned to their land when the time is right.
I thank the tribe of Yahudah for preserving the Torah as prophesied in Genesis.
Hashem will gather all His own ( the 12 tribes) in His time.
Shalom, Reply

Don Shapiro New Mexico July 12, 2014

What about Mussar as a transformtive approach? Regarding the difficulty of transforming our mind, do you think that intense Mussar study and practice (as taught by Rabbi Yisrael Salanter) might be an effective approach? Reply

Dina Sanz NY June 28, 2013

excellent class depth and clarity combined, thanks Reply

This class analyzes an aspect of the weekly Torah portion or upcoming holiday. While providing a basic understanding of the subject matter, the lesson delves into its deeper and more complex dimensions with emphasis on the spiritual relevance to our daily lives. Inspiration for both the novice and advanced student.
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