
The Month of Tammuz

The radiant light of summer

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The Month of Tammuz: The radiant light of summer

There’s a duality within the sun, in that it provides light but its light can also be blinding. We, too, contain opposites within ourselves, and our most powerful inclinations can also become our greatest weaknesses. How can we direct our energies positively?
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Rosh Chodesh, Month, Sun; Sunlight, Summer, Tammuz

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connie Nebraska, USA June 22, 2014

Thank You What a refreshing idea to seek a spiritual light in the extended daylight of the sun during summer. When the world is in such spiritual darkness, one would think many are wondering if God has become angry? Isaiah 63:10 They rebelled and vexed his Holy Spirit, so he turned an became their enemy, he fought against them.

My father used to say, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." And we obeyed him because we loved him. His spirit remains within me, to keep his legend alive to trust in God. Reply

Judash Toronto October 30, 2017
in response to connie:

I celebrate regularly. -VV Reply

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