
The Geonim and the Golden Age of Spain

The Jews in Exile

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The Geonim and the Golden Age of Spain: The Jews in Exile

The great sages known as the Geonim (lit., “geniuses”) were the successors to the Rabbanan Savorai, who in turn succeeded the Amoraim (about 3980–4260), after the completion of the Babylonian Talmud. Subjects covered include the rise of the Karaite movement, Jewish life under Moorish rule in North Africa, and the Golden Age of Spain.
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History, Karaites, Saadia Gaon, Gaonim, Jewish History

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Prof. Dr. Mark H. L. Gordon, Ed.D., Ph.D. December 1, 2023

Very learned Rabbi. You are wonderful to listen to. Reply

Avigdor New York May 15, 2016

Rabbi you are truly phenomenal. Can you do a video of the Sephardi acharonim please? Thank you Reply

Antonio Martin-Natal Pensacola June 3, 2013

The Jews in exile Excellent rabbi Dubov, very well explained. B"H. Reply

Tim Upham Tum Tum, WA May 28, 2013

Spanish Origin Still A Mystery Unfortunately, I do not know where in Spain my ancestors originally came from. My mother came from Iasi, Romania which was under Ottoman rule until 1862. But no records further than 1916 exist. A synagogue one time has a Sefer Torah, which came from Crete, but it was unknown where in Spain it originally came from. Reply

Angela Lastra May 28, 2013

Thank you...very interesting...helps to establish some old books I have read... again... Thank you :) Reply

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