
Personal Memories of the Rebbetzin

Conference of Chabad Women Emissaries 5773

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Personal Memories of the Rebbetzin: Conference of Chabad Women Emissaries 5773

Louise Hager shares personal memories of her unique relationship with Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of her passing.
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International Conference of Emissaries, Chabad-Lubavitch, Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka "Moussia" Schneerson

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Shoshannah Somerville Yerushalayim February 4, 2021

Thank you to Rabbi Avraham and Nechama Dina Hendel of Chabad of Baka in Yerushalayim for notifying me to commemorate the Yahrzeit of Rebbitzen Chaya Mushka Schneerson, this evening, February 4th, 2021 /Kaf Gimmel Sh'vat 5781.
I have been so very moved by the words of Mrs. Haver at the Schluchot Conference in 2013. Her simple eloquence and deep heartedness in giving over to all some of her precious relationship with the Rebbitizen was truly enlightening. It has been one of those rare times of awakening to something so much greater than I could have imagined.
Feeling much gratitude to HaShem,
Shabbat Shalom!
Shoshannah Chana Somerville Reply

Alizah Efrat, Israel February 7, 2013

Memories of the Rebbetzin My dream would be to be with all the Shluchot at the Kinus, but at least we can share from a distance. Thank you for sending this strong dose of chizuk that we all need. Reply

Chaya Gross Jerusalem February 6, 2013

Thank you so much for editing so promptly. Very much appreciated.
The speech was so inspiring and uplifting.
Hope to invite her to Jerusalem soon so she can bring her message to a wider audience here. She is certainly a wonderful role model for Chabad women worldwide.
Yasher koach again and again for an outstanding banquet. Reply

Chaya Gross Jerusalem February 5, 2013

Very Inspiring... So wonderful to be able to watch from Jerusalem. Wish the editing were better. Thanks for the effort. Kol tov. Reply

Julien Coallier Canada February 4, 2013

Role Models The sincerity and tact serves well to promote refinements, refinements that truly tribute those mentioned. A fine example. Reply