
The Month of Adar

“Mazal tov” is not “good luck”

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The Month of Adar: “Mazal tov” is not “good luck”

The Torah tells us not to pay attention to astrological influences, but it also tells us that Adar is a month full of “mazal” (good fortune). How do we reconcile these concepts?
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Rosh Chodesh, Month, Mazal, Adar

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Leah February 25, 2015

Thanks a lot ! First I learned a lot about the month of Adar and it's very important for every one to know what is our potential and to experience the power of transformation.i like very much metaphor of the letter kuf.it helped me a lot, Reply

Julia Rosina Wilson Ortega Colon City March 4, 2014

Shimona I Love this wonderful woman...Her Style is so graceful and peaceful as she speaks I understood clearly what she was teaching me...now I am her Fan!! I wish her all the wonderfulness of this month and all the Blessings from G-D to her and her family...Thank you so much Shimona! Reply

Shimona February 15, 2013

Dear All, I thought I'd address a few of your comments in one response:

In general we can "transcend the zodiac" and find the point of nothingness within by returning to G-d (repentance) through prayer and good deeds. The month of Adar is different. The "power" and beauty (adir) of this month is that even without that deep inner work, we can access our essence. Simply by reminding ourselves of the energy of the month and G-d's great gift to us, we can begin to access that point and the wonders that emerge from it.

Judaism believes that G-d directs the universe in an intimate way. He has created the world in a way that the heavens do exert influence. BUT no person is ever given an astrological influence or inner tendency they cannot control.

Thank you for the comments and questions and to the staff of Chabad.org for the opportunity to share. I am preparing an audio file that explores the relationship between astrology and free will in greater depth.

With gratitude,
Shimona Reply

Anonymous Mercersburg, PA February 15, 2013

Wow. That's it - wow! Thanks so much for this talk!

I think I understand the tension between the reality of astrological influence and yet the need to "not fear" it. My own birth chart paints the picture of a very challenged personality. I could feel sorry for myself, and defeatist. But I have found - much like what you say about looking deeper within - that underneath the "difficult" surface there is a different, wider truth, and the personality given me at birth is just as much of "mazal" (if you will) as there would be with a more "auspicious" chart. The same goes, I'm sure, for someone with a difficult personality profile diagnosed by a psychologist. And with autism, for example - autistic people often only have problems at a certain superficial level in the world. Deeper down, they are not so different from other people. Reply

eliahu February 15, 2013

i like very much and your lessons was important to me in this moment toda raba Reply

Anonymous February 14, 2013

thank you shimona! just what i needed to hear! u r the very best!
happy adar, freilich purim !!!!! Reply

Joan Esther harrison, new york February 14, 2013

Thank you for this, Shimona. I am enduring some health challenges and other life challenges at this time. My Hebrew name is Esther and I am always seeking new knowledge about Adar, particularly because I want to attach myself to the power of the month. This year I have new enlightenment from your teachings and I am already "turned around", energized and overjoyed at the opportunity afforded by this months joyful possibilities. I will flip it all around and emerge with renewed health that will be better than ever, strengthening my family. Thank you!
Joan Esther (we've met, I'm Hillary's friend) Reply

Tom Scheurer Delray, Florida via chabadboynton.com February 14, 2013

Astrloogy Where does the Torah say we should not pay attention to Astrological influences? We are told to rise above them but not ignore them. If we ignore them we don't bother with Rosh Chodesh, Rosh Hashanah, Sukkot, Purim, Peseach and the minor holidays that fall on the New Moon or Full Moon. The reason for the 12 loaves of the kiddush is to have control over the 12 signs. We should absolutely learn about them and understand where theym help us make our spiritual correction. Reply

Annie Battash NJ February 13, 2013

Thanks a lot for your speech, it's giving a lot of strength ( HIZUK) !!!
Have a wonderful Month of ADAR!!! Reply

aliza February 12, 2013

Adar Feel blessed to have come across this excellent teaching. Thank you so much. Yasher koach to all. Reply

Sarah Rivka Cincinnati, OH February 11, 2013

Very powerful lecture! I enjoyed it very much and I find it very inspiring as I'm currently going through difficulties.

There is one thing about which I'm confused, though: How does one go about finding the "ayin" within oneself? If that was explained in the lecture, I missed it. Is it by teshuva and tefillah? I thought, though, for the month of Adar teshuva and tefillah are not needed to get rid of negative astrological influences? Sorry, I'm just kind of confused. Reply

Vicki Atkinson GONZALES February 11, 2013

Nice confirmation Thank you for this explanation, I am exactly going through this process and experience right now. I am trying to understand it and this helps most assuredly. Reply

Anonymous February 11, 2013

Thank you Shimona Tzukernik wonderful ! thank you... Reply

Lana Claycamp Texas February 10, 2013

Interesting I was interested in this because of the astrological information in it. I don't adhere to astrology but my daughter does and I will share this with her. I understood the jist of what she was saying but still feel like it is a mixed message. Either we look to astrology or we don't ... in my opinion. I don't look to it because I look to the source of all knowledge and control from Elohim our God. I appreciate the way she pointed this out.
Thank you, Reply

Anonymous USA February 9, 2013

The Month Of Adar Thank you Shimona Tzukernik for such a wonderful teaching. I really needed it. At 65 I am learning to find myself after so many years of travail. But, must say, Hashem, blessed be He, is so good. It is never too late when we seek His presence, as He promised. Now I need to go into that self within me to find that power so that I can perform what my King has designed for me in this world. The transformation you speak of is near, I can feel it. Many changes have already taken place. Thank you and many blessings to you and yours. Reply

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