
Kings of Judah, Part I

A biblical history of the Jews

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Kings of Judah, Part I: A biblical history of the Jews

After the split of the monarchy, the descendants of King Solomon rule over the Kingdom of Judah in the south. In this lesson we learn about the reigns of the kings from Rehoboam through Joash.
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History, Joram, Athaliah, Joash, Ahaziah, Jehoshaphat, Asa, Abijah, Rehoboam, Kings of Judah

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Yossi Tenenboim Hewlett May 15, 2016

Coercion In סנהדרין קב, the story with King Menasha, happened with רב אשי.
Thank you for the amazing classes. Reply

Anonymous June 9, 2014

Thank you very much for giving your teachings. The history of the Jewish people is something I've wanted to learn! Reply

Tom McCaffrey Ireland February 2, 2013

The Kings of judah Thank you Rabbi Dubov for your talk. We (Roman Catholics) use the Bible daily and read Kings, the prophets, psalms, etc. but, (I don't know how to really put this to you), it is all a theoritical (if that is the word) reading for me. It was only when I was in Jerusalem and listening to our guide, that I realised for you this is the history not only of your (dare I say our) religion, but also the history of your country. Thank you Rabbi for putting the history of the Kings of Judah to your audience in such a humble manner. One can see that you are not only a very learned gentleman but also a gentleman of G-d. Reply

Ron Faulk Leesburg, Fl. January 21, 2013

Kings of Judah I've listened to each of these teachings from the beginning, and each time I've discovered something I didn't know before. I wanted to give you a word of encouragement. I am greatly blessed ! Reply

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