
Be Everything You Want to See from Others

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Be Everything You Want to See from Others

So often we are dissatisfied in a relationship. Why can’t they just this or just that? Listen to this crazy story, and learn how to stop blaming them and start taking responsibility yourself.
Self Improvement, Marriage

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Fahaa Baden US August 21, 2014

A power metaphor for the heart.
It requires letting go of expectations from others.

Thank you dearly
Dewdrop Reply

Anonymous April 6, 2013

Excellent! Thank you! Reply

Anonymous November 25, 2012

Be everything yiu want to se from others. Thanks for sharing this story. Worth thinking about! But I have also learned from life, that sometimes, no matter how hard one tries to treat people decently, it can sometimes go their head and cause to act atrociously. Nevertheless, all is not lost bcos Hashem sees the efforts one puts into building relationships and if the one treated decently doesnt return the decent treatment, Hashem (if one asks) has a way of sending a better person into the life of the one who treats other well. For in treating people decently, one proves to Hashem, that deserve a person who can appreciate decent treatment. Reply

Anonymous Victoria, Canada via chabadchayil.org November 23, 2012

relationships I liked the video very much, and there is some truth to it. However, I've experienced it where you are good to someone, in the way that you'd want them to be for you, but it doesn't seem to have a positive effect on the other person i.e no reciprocation or positive change. Human nature isn't so simple sometimes, though I wish it were. There are so many variables at play that it's very difficult to generalize. Reply

Anonymous November 22, 2012

Excellent. Thank you ! Reply

Atr November 20, 2012

Thanks Great motivation! Reply

Dvorah November 18, 2012

thanks enjoyed it Reply

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