
Letters of Light: Ayin

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Letters of Light: Ayin

This class explains the mystical meanings of the Hebrew letters including the significance of the letters' names, their phonetic sounds, their graphic design, and even their corresponding numerical values.
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Letters, Aleph-Beit, Ayin

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Raphael Schlosser Los Angeles December 7, 2024

Dear Rabbi Raskin, this AYIN Letter article has 2 incorrect references in your footnotes ;
Note 3 refers to the AYIN in the word SHM'A being in Deu. 6:8 and should be 6:4,
Note 8 refers to the AYIN in 'Gachon' being in Lev. 11:41 and should be 11:42.
I have read your book & want to thank you for this opportunity ! Reply

Rabbi Raskin December 9, 2024
in response to Raphael Schlosser:

Wow great finds, will fix Be”H.

Much appreciated Reply

Rabbi Raskin January 25, 2013

All 22 letters Dear Julie,
Thank you for asking yes with G-d's help all the 22 letters of the Alef bet will be available. Reply

Julie Durham UK January 23, 2013

Inspiration I also find these lessons on the Hebrew letters inspirational. Are you going to do all the letters? Perhaps you have already done them? Reply

Rabbi Raskin brooklyn heights January 4, 2013

Dear Carlos Thank you so much for your feedback, share it with a friend and open up people's "eyes" to the beauty of our torah! Reply

Jean O. January 3, 2013

Wonderful! Made me think. I LOVED this teaching and it's presentation. I had never connected re-incarnation with Judaism. I don't think I believe it's scriptural, but it made me think about WHY I think that. There is the verse that says "teach us to number our days..." and another that says our years are 70 or 80 years (don't remember which) . I think the answer to where our help comes from (Psalm 121) is stated toward the end of the lesson - from the Spirit of G-d Himself. "My help comes from the LORD, maker of heaven and earth." And yet, in a way, this IS sort of like our former selves coming to our aid: When we die, our dust returns to dust, and our spirit returns to the giver of Life from whence it came. The LORD who is eternal, is outside time looking on the whole of time as on a mural, can put His finger on any point in time or place - coming to our aid with the spirits of those who have come before - because they are in Him. Still learning - so only an opinion :)
Thanks for a great lesson! Reply

Carlos Garcia St Petersburg January 2, 2013

I look forward every week for your teachings which I enjoy tremendously. Reply

Rabbi Aaron L. Raskin Brooklyn heights January 1, 2013

Inspiration Dear Ester,
If it truly moved you, share it with others and inspire them too!
Thank you for your words of encouragement.

Blessing and success Reply

Ester Tarnogol Buenos Aires, Argentina January 1, 2013

Rabi you are a great teacher, the excellent way you had explained this lesson really move me to tears, thank you Reply

This series explains the mystical meanings of the Hebrew letters including the significance of the letters' names, their phonetic sounds, their graphic design, and even their corresponding numerical values.
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